Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Why blog about it...?

Recently my brain has reached it's full capacity for most of the thoughts I keep to myself.  I thought about journaling but that's just one more thing to carry around that is less discreet than a phone when I need to get the thoughts out of my head.  So I chose to blog instead.  This is new to me so hopefully it will get better with time.  Strangely, as I articulate the thoughts inside my head I feel like a best selling author but when I go to verbalize them I sometimes sound like a bumbling idiot or I can't get past the tears.  The words just don't flow properly. I played with the thought, asked some of my close friends and family, and I think the only person who gave me a green light to the idea was my sister who is also blogging about her journey into the world of sewing (  I wanted a place to express my frustrations, my joys, my highs and my lows, my discoveries and give anyone who may be in the same boat as me, a person to relate to.  I'm hoping this is what I need, even if nobody ever reads one post, for me it will be therapeutic and a great timeline to see where I was and how far I've come..